Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Conscientious Objector review

Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. -Psalm 91:14-16

I'm not a big fan of quoting scripture in war...but, if ever it seemed appropriate, this verse fits the story retold above. I watched this documentary last night and have to say, it was one of the most moving stories of faith and war, I've seen. The story of a courageous Seventh Day Adventist man who chooses to serve his country in WW2 without a gun.

It's an inspiring story that shows the cost and the witness of one man's attempt to reconcile his faith and duty to country. It's full of miracles and moving testimony from WW2 veterans who served together with Desmond Doss. This is a must see film, if the issues of faith, violence, patriotism and duty matter to you.


Kurt Willems said...

Looks like an interesting film that I will try to check out. I appreciate your perspective here, however I am not sure that I want to have a "Duty to Country" in any way in time of war. For me, to participate in any fashion, would be to condone to a point. If the opportunity arose as a medic to also care for the enemy, then this might be something I could get past. Nevertheless, I think that this man probably had a powerful witness and this stance is to be commended even if I'd have opted for alternative service...

fcb4 said...

Kurt, If my memory is correct, I believe he did care for "enemies" too. In my context, I try to expose people to the issues surronding nonviolence and kingdom from a number of angles. So often people in my circles have never even heard a theological or logical discussion about the issues. It's been God & Country and Guns & bombs for ever in these circles. Only the hippie pot smokers or the "negro's" or the toga wearing Hindu's ever seemed to be the ones talking about peace and flowers and such...etc. So I find it profitable to show that there are many who wrestled with how to live out the gospel of the Kingdom...even soldiers....wether or not it would of been my path.