Monday, February 22, 2010

Voting ourselves into suicide....

Perhaps the worst blow to them, the greatest disillusionment, was socialist England; here was their literal dream, a bloodless socialism, where force was not used for murder, only for expropriation, where lives were not taken, only products, the meaning and the future of lives, here was a country that had not been murdered, but had voted itself into suicide...

This, then, is the choice, think it over, consider the subject, check your premises, check past history and find out whether it is true, that men can never be free. It isn't true, because they have been. Find out what made it possible. See for yourself. And then if you are convinced--rationally convinced--then let us save the world together. We still have time. -Ayn Rand


bryan.moffatt said...

First, I must accept that true freedom is only in Christ. Whatever situation I am in He is enough. Living in Him I submit to whatever authority/government/power I live under (See Rom 13:1-7, I Peter 2:13-19) Even to the point of being a slave beaten by her master. What this means to me now is that I can't trust in my government to make me free. Regardless of how supposedly righteous it is, conservative, progressive whatever, it is still made up of fallen humans. See 1 Samuel 8:11-18 about what even God's chosen King will do to the nation of Israel.

For me, this is very freeing. It means that the weight of my freedom does not rest on who is President, or what party is in power. I have to rest in Christ. Of course, it is good to choose or vote in my opinion. But it isn't a disaster when the political party I disagree with takes power.

"The devil led Him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to Him, I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to." Luke 4:5-6

The government may be used by God for good. It is also Babylon, a worldly power, controlled by Satan. Regardless of how you dress it up. (Rev. 17)

THEREFORE, it isn't that we're voting ourselves into suicide or life. Voting isn't going to produce life and it can't produce death in the Believer. Whether America exists or not, are we not part of the "chosen people". If all Christians in the world are part of the same community whose rules are describe in Col. 3:12-17 then it doesn't have to depress me when the country I live in, or the army I serve in are going in an ungodly direction. They ARE ungodly, so don't be surprised when they act that way.

fcb4 said...

I hear what you are saying and for the most part I agree. Where I wrestle is with our involvement. Throw in or throw out?

I wonder if it's like the field of medicine. Greater minds and bigger hearts can improve the general health and well being of a community. Poor medical and education impoverish a community. Greed and corporate control can turn the medical system into a consuming beast too.

Do we say...people will always be sick because that's just earth or the human condition or do we work to improve and care for one another.?

Then what about political science? Government? Law? Etc. Engagement or disengagement?

It's all going to burn...or it's my house burning?

bryan.moffatt said...

I agree that we are not called to ignore the world and let it burn, but I am attempting to come out from the idea that my whole life is about putting out the fire on my own.

A good doctor helps heal people, but he operates within a corrupt system taking advantage of those same people he's healing.

A good congresswoman advocates justice and makes laws that are Godly, again operating as a representative of an ungodly government.

Or, me. Trying to be a Christian while working for the army. Attempting to live out "love thy neighbor" while training to liberate the oppressed (kill and destroy).

Wherever we find ourselves, we have to 1. Love God 2. Love our neighbor and I would repeat something a brother wrote to me about obedience to God's will.(I think that was you):)

I think maybe engagement and disengagement are not hard and fast rules: there is only God's will. For some it will be engagement, others disengagement. Ultimately, it is God who will decide whether we were following His will or trying to control our environment on our own power.

I agree it is TOTALLY a wrestling match to figure out "am I just getting myself fired up?, or does God want me to act" What does HE want me to do?