Friday, February 5, 2010

Why pastors should preach about "War"....

Why are you talking about all this "war" stuff anyway...?

I am asked this in one way or another fairly frequently of late and understandably so...this blog is a response to that question. I try to answer those sincere questions here. I also am trying to ask the questions that seem to be ignored in the daily life of the church world. When issues that result in the potential death of our loved ones, friends, fellow countrymen, innocents abroad or at home and our enemies...I think we should do some serious work of thinking and talking. It's one of the reasons we have a constitution that puts the deciding work of war on the shoulders of a "debating natured' congress. It should be something we "think through" not just respond to.

Christians and pastors, spend countless hours on trivial life issues, they hear or preach sermons on subjects most folks forget about soon as they chomp into their greasy lunches. We write books that split the atoms of sacramental ecclesiology and the proverbial self centered discussion of "worship wars"...but rarely talk about "war"; a subject that break up homes, infects in a cancerous way many marriages that end up in divorce, push men and women in to coping based addictions, leaves minds and hearts wrecked with PTS and often results in burying our loved ones.

Is this a Jesus issue, a gospel imperative? yes, I believe it is.

For me the issue is simply this, people are lost, they don't know the way to life...they need Jesus.
He is the way, the truth and the life....people need to know about Christ.

How is this accomplished?

Most often, they "SEE" the "WAY" being lived and then they ask questions because of the provocative nature of the life being lived. If you remove the "provocative nature" the "saltiness" as Jesus described lose the distinction that sets you apart and makes your "WAY" ...more distinctive than others.

In today's Church...."HOW" Christians live...has been trumped by "WHAT" Christians "Believe".

My pounding on the issue of war and violence is rooted deeply in the critical issues of the way of living, that many christians espouse. It is no different than the world. We Kill, maim, brutalize and dominate our enemies and then make movies and games that indulge this as "way of life" as entertainment. We "christianize" it all, with a militarized, patriotic drunk church culture, that cares more about the civil religion of "God and Country"...than the way and teaching of Jesus. All of this is, in my mind, extremely critical to "my" walk with Jesus and more importantly...the attraction of the alternative King and His kingdom offered in the gospel message.

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, -1 Peter 3:15


dreamchaser77 said...

I'm curious, I've been meaning to ask you what is your stance on the idea that men are warriors, that they have an innate need to fight and wrestle?

bryan.moffatt said...


fcb4 said...

Charity...I posted a blog post on Grizzly Adams that answers your question to me.

dreamchaser77 said...

Thank you, Eric.