Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Confusing numbers....

The war in Afghanistan, with civilian and military casualties at record highs, has become the longest war in the US history.

Military operations have inflicted over USD 100 million in damages on public property in southern Afghanistan.

The majority of voters believed the US should not be involved in Afghanistan.
The support level in the survey has dropped to 41 percent, which is well below the peak of 59 percent a year ago. (link)

Why does this not seem true in day to day life in America? This reinforces my post on MLK Jr Day. If we even have the numbers behind the message...why no MESSAGE????

1 comment:

Shane said...

The sad thing is those polls are allegedly representative numbers of our country as a whole. That means of those polled 59 percent and then down to 41 percent. What makes it sad is the representative group is probably a miniscule fraction of our actual population; read: people are too apathetic, distracted, and/or ignorant to care. ~Shane