Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Early Christian View of War and Military Service

"That the prophecy is fulfilled, you have good reason to believe, for we, who in times past killed one another, do not now fight with our enemies."26 "We, who had been filled with war and mutual slaughter and every wickedness, have each one-all the world over-changed the instruments of war, the swords into plows and the spears into farming implements, and we cultivate piety, righteousness, love for men, faith, (and) the hope which is from Father Himself through the Crucified One." -JUSTIN MARTYR (150 A.D.)

I was astounded at the power of these words and why as a Christian of over 25 years; I was never exposed to the force of thought that the early Church Father's brought to the issue of war, peace and the way of the disciple of Jesus. This quote is just the tip of the iceberg. This article is a must read for a historical argument that has to be made in the debate. Is it every early Christians, was it historically the predominant view of the majority of Christians in the first, second and third centuries before Rome "converted"...hard to make a case that it wasn't.

Read much more here:

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