Monday, December 28, 2009

What about the OT War God, the Law and War God of Revelations...?

Many bring this issue up when debating the issue of Just War, military service and the place a follower of Jesus has in those activities. They are huge issues, and Im not going to give a massive response right here..but here are a few points to chew on...

First and foremost for me, the issue is simply that I am a follower of Jesus...everything He taught comes first.

He interprets the law for me. He is the New Covenant law giver...on like unto Moses. As Moses climbed a mountain and received a law...Jesus climbed a mountain and gave law. He didn't do away with the OT law, He rescued it from the hands of men who were adding to it, nullifying it and misinterpreting it. They were missing the "spirit" of the law.

So He taught on the law...and especially the issues of murder, violence and revenge and adultery. His examples and commentary on how to approach injustice, evil and crimes committed against oneself set the foundation for me.

I do not believe a sincere reading of Matthew 5...makes room for Just War.

Primarily because...a soldier will not only kill, which some say is allowed under an interpretation of the word in the decalogue but they will also "murder". You can not be a soldier and not be forced to murder innocent people. It's impossible, even if you do not want too. A smart bomb war is a murdering war...just as much, as a nuclear war or a frontline war.

Can a Christian murder? I simply can't accept that based on Jesus's own teaching in Matthew 5, let alone countless other examples. In Matt 5, Jesus said that one who calls another a "fool" is guilty of the fires of Hell. And that it's better to saw off your arm or gouge out your eye that to be led to sin with them.

That's some pretty clear teaching in my book.

He also engages in some focused commentary about how the Jews would find ways to navigate out of the clear commands of scripture and come up with ways to reinterpret:

For example, the fifth commandment is clear enough: “Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). But the Pharisees had a custom whereby “if a man says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban’—(that is, a gift to God), then [the Pharisees] no longer let him do anything for his father or his mother” (Mark 7:11–12). In fact, if someone had thus pledged his inheritance to God and then used any of his resources to care for his parents in their old age, the Pharisees would deem that act of charity a sacrilege, because it was a violation of the Corban vow. Jesus told them, “[You have made] the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do”

I feel that much of the war, violence responses do this very thing. They have taken clear teachings and said...yah but.

As far as the OT violence and the end of the world comments you made. I have lots of thoughts on that stuff too.

for now...I would say I am sure you wouldn't say that as a Christian you support the position of: Num. 31:7-18; Josh. 6:1-21, 24.

Can you truly imagine a follower of Jesus being ok with such a policy of war?

For me, I am glad that the "Judgement of God" for all man's sin was poured out on the cross. Hebrews 9:26 calls it the consummation of the ages.

"Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself."

I believe that event...has implications even to the end of the age.

I believe that we need to interpret the book of Revelations through the cross. It is a "revelation" of Jesus Christ.

The Lion that is a a lamb (Rev 5) is the only one worthy to handle the book of judgements.

He is also the One pictured as coming on a white horse with a bloody robe and a sword coming out of His mouth not in His hands. He is coming to a "war" on a White victory Horse, already bloody and without a sword in His hand.

To me that pictures a victorious King, who conquered not by war but by death, and conquers the world not with violence but with salvation and the word of God.

Will God judge mankind...yes, He already has.
Will God liv eout the end like all other conquering Kings....through bloodshed, violence, slaughter, no mercy...

Some say,,,yes.

but..I doubt it.

"You have heard it said...But "I" say... -Jesus

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