Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Military Jesus Guns....???

Words fail me....This is simply unbelievable.


bryan.moffatt said...

You should hang out at some on-post Church services and listen to some military chaplains. I would venture to say that most Christians in the military believe they in fact are weilding weapons for Jesus, with or without verses on them. The idea that America=ordained by God to wield the sword to punish unbelievers is not unusual in our Army, particularly among some elite units. Even those who aren't Christians like to think this way, sort of a 'blessing' on their activities downrange. Some of our most successfuly leaders are professed Christians who believe they are doing God's work defending our country.

bryan.moffatt said...

These ideas marrying God and our War efforts are, I believe, summed up perfectly by Ellul: "we fashion the theology we must have if we are to live with ourselves when we act as we do." This coming from a guy who was in the French Resistance during WWII.

fcb4 said...

Great quote Brian...man thats scary but true.