Monday, December 13, 2010

Defending Constantine

In the ongoing exploration of a Christ-centric political posture in regards to pacifism, nonviolence, Just war will bump into the Roman emperor Constantine at some point of the study or discussion. The perspective is often a 'crux of history' discussion...where the church 'fell' or where a victory was gained. The implications of a 'baptised emperor' has been the point of many heated arguments over a pint...or via some medium of public dialogue. This article is a great addition to the debate: "Defending Constantine: The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom"

Some of my favorite quotes worth ponder from the article:

"Constantinianism is the sociological condition that makes possible the presumption that the suffering Christ, the crucified Christ, is not the last word Christians have to say before a waiting world. Constantinianism names the pretense held by some Christians that there is a truth beyond the truth that is the unsurpassable Christ."

"To suggest that with Constantine things went to hell in a handbasket reveals the presumption that we are in control of history. Now that, as we say in the theological business, is interesting."

(Thanks Rick for the link)

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