Friday, December 10, 2010

Youtubing on the edge of death.

Marines in Sangin, Afghanistan doing what Marines do...kill, blow things up and tell stories about it to one another. Wow...this brings up so many conflicting emotions and thoughts...One is pride in our soldiers kicking ass and the other is the odd sense of screwed up reality as I am watching men kill one another put to music. Seeing the gut wrenching tension and at the same time the glee in soldiers faces as if they are playing games. Youtubing on the edge of death. One is a feeling of being sidelined during a period of history when men are doing things that determine life or death...and I am knee deep in human drama and trauma. They are shooting bullets and I am shooting my mouth off. The dichotomies of it all frustrate me. The mundane nature of so much of life around here is the very thing that many soldiers are longing for and which is driving many here to self-inficted acts of stupidity and sin. I'm trying to convince people to live while others are just wishing they could live.

1 comment:

Shane said...

Well put... your anxiousness and frustration are awesome pre-cursors to some serious J-man time. Things have been a bit more tense around here lately, so I am right there with you... not by my power but by His, and not for my glory but for His... ~Shane