Thursday, December 23, 2010

The sword of man or the song of angels...?

""A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more." -Matthew 2:18

War grinds over the guilty and innocent alike, it does not discriminate. The horrific suffering of children is a part of the Christmas story that often gets passed over in our holiday readings.

The actual slaughtering of innocents as a result of religious extremism and bloody prophetic paranoia is woven into the Christmas story but rarely finds its truths connected to anything in our modern moment. We Pastors can find lessons to be learned in the gifts being given and the songs being sung but "peace and goodwill' to us on earth seems to be idealized out of any real pursuit. I am always reminded by people that 'peace can't come on earth''s always eschatologiszed away...a future dream, not a present hope.

Men tell me "war and perpetual conflict on Earth'is our only lot...while Angels tell me 'Peace and good will on Earth' here. Women tell me that only enemy hate and murder can be the lot of human interaction...while Jesus speaks of enemy love and brotherly care. Humanity clings to the Old Creation...while the Spirit is bringing about the New Creation. Our religious teachers can only see a Mountain of Fire and the Abandoned City burning...while those shod with the gospel of peace, see a Bride City of rivers and trees whose leaves are for the healing of nations.

Why must Herod's vision of the future be the one that Jesus's church believes in, why not believe the Prophet's visions of lambs and lions, snakes and children being together? Why if Jesus chose to gather a community of disciples that reflect the amazing new possibilities for humanity...why do we always proclaim a truncated version of kingdom life and possibilities?

If the signs of the last days people are the ability to speak in any language to any culture...if we are the inhabited ones, the temple fire bearers, the proclaimers and providers of the Kingdom that is among us...why are the dreamers labeled as the fools?

I cannot see Herod's sword as the bearer of glad, he who wields it, is still singing the song of Rachel...and the children are still weeping because of it. This Christmas, I choose to believe that the sword of man cannot eclipse the song of Angels.

Peace...on Earth, is my song to be matter how loud the weeping of gunfire still is.

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