Thursday, December 2, 2010

"We cannot be both the world's leading champion of peace and the world's leading supplier of the weapons of war." - Jimmy Carter


Steve Beck said...

Speaking of weapons, have you ever watched "Lord OF War"? One of the things that the movie is based on is how when the U.S. leaves a country they have been occupying they leave all the weapons there because it is cheaper to buy new ones than to ship them home. That's one large reason that kids and teenagers in third world countries can get automatic weapons.

Unknown said...

I have not seen it. Is it good?

Steve Beck said...

I didn't think it was that good of a movie until we got to the end and found out that it was based on real events and actions by the U.S., Russia, and China. Then I was just shocked and disturbed. It's about an arms dealer and how he get's his weapons from people in the military for money and how he distributes them to warlords and dictators in third world countries. It was pretty eye opening. So after watching that and "The International" I have a pretty good idea how the world operates. I don't know if you have seen "The International" but that's about the world banking systems and how they have their hands in everything. That was a great movie.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming you were not being literal when you said you have a good idea of how the world operates after watching two movies..?